Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Icon Event USRailRevolution

The US Railroad Revolution 2022

The US Railroad Revolution 2022 is an event running from 21st June-11th July, 2022. The event begins and ends at 12 Noon UTC. The Event Shop is opened till 13th July, 2022, till 12 Noon UTC!. Minimum Player Level: 12. In this event, the player helps three contractors connect destinations on the continental USA.


  • Compete in the competitions 🏆 to win Railroad Revolution Coins usable in the Shop.

🏅21-23 June.
🏅24-27 June.
🏅28-30 June.
🏅1-4 July.
🏅5-7 July.
🏅8-11 July.

Event Locations[]

US Railroad Revolution Event Map

Event: All Quests and Materials Locations[]

Map:US Railroad Revolution Map 2

Contract Destinations[]

  • Denver, CO
  • Chicago, IL
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • Dallas, TX
  • Salt Lake City, UT
  • Cincinnati, OH
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Washington D.C.
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • New York City, NY

Event Currencies[]

Item Type
Icon RailRevKey Railroad Revolution Key
Icon RailTripCoin Railroad Revolution Coin
Icon ep Event Points

Raw Materials[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
Item Name Destination Collection
Icon RailSleepers Rail Sleepers Rail Sleepers 3m
Icon Tools Tools Tools 3m

Factory Materials[]

Railroad factory[]

Item Name Parts Production
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Icon Rails 80 Rails 40 Icon RailSleepers 40 Icon Tools 40 Icon Steel 10m
Icon RailBuffer 120 Rail Buffer 60 Icon Rails 40 Icon RailSleepers 40 Icon Saw Blade 20m
Icon Signal 100 Signals 60 Icon Tools 40 Icon Nails - 20m
Icon Dynamite 120 Dynamite 70 Icon Tools 50 Icon Iron Powder - 25m
Icon Draisine 140 Draisine 60 Icon Rails 40 Icon RailSleepers 40 Icon Wood 30m


Railroad Revolution Coin Offers Limit
100 Big Box -
10 1000 Gold Coins 100
Railroad Revolution Key Offers Limit
4000 HHP-8 (40/80 L-E) 1
2500 SP&S CLASS E-1 (30/60 E-S) 1
1200 KRAUSS-MAFFEI ML 4000 (20/40 R-D) 1
500 FM H-24-66 TRAIN MASTER (15/30 C-D) 1
500 Statue of Liberty 1
100 5 Legendary Upgrade Parts 20
100 18 Epic Upgrade Parts 20
50 38 Rare Upgrade Parts 40
50 198 Common Upgrade Parts 40
5 2 Keys -


Redeem Codes[]

  • Redeem Codes are time-sensitive and expire within 7 days or end of the event perios, whicever comes earlier.
Codes Reward
RAILS 25 Railroad Revolution Keys
RRR22 50 Railroad Revolution Keys
ROAD 25 Railroad Revolution Keys
RRKEY 50 Railroad Revolution Keys
RVLTN 25 Railroad Revolution Keys
HLLWD 50 Railroad Revolution Keys
RRGIFT 50 Railroad Revoltuion Keys

Event Pass[]

  • Event Pass Rewards must be activated by purchasing Event Pass prior to receiving.
  • Quantities of free rewards doubled (2x) if Event Pass is purchased (Containers not doubled)
  • The amount of Gold Coins and Upgrade Parts awarded is dependent on player level.
Icon ep Collected Free Reward Event Pass Reward
Start - MR CLASS ES-2 (20/40 R-E)
25 306 common upgrade parts Big Box
50 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
100 62 rare upgrade parts Big Box
150 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
200 18 epic upgrade parts Big Box
250 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
300 7 legendary upgrade parts 27 legendary upgrade parts
350 35 keys 140 keys
400 375 gold coins Big Box
450 10 gems 50 gems
500 Basic Container Epic Container
600 306 common upgrade parts Big Box
700 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
800 62 rare upgrade parts Big Box
900 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
1000 18 epic upgrade parts Big Box
1100 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
1200 7 legendary upgrade parts 27 legendary upgrade parts
1300 35 keys 140 keys
1400 375 gold coins Big Box
1500 10 gems 50 gems
1600 Advanced Container Epic Container
1800 306 common upgrade parts Big Box
1950 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
2100 62 rare upgrade parts Big Box
2250 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
2400 18 epic upgrade parts Big Box
2550 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
2700 7 legendary upgrade parts 27 legendary upgrade parts
2850 35 keys 140 keys
3000 375 gold coins Big Box
3150 10 gems 50 gems
3300 Advanced Container Epic Container
3500 306 common upgrade parts Big Box
3700 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
3900 62 rare upgrade parts Big Box
4000 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
4250 18 epic upgrade parts Big Box
4500 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
4800 7 legendary upgrade parts 27 legendary upgrade parts
5100 35 keys 140 keys
5400 375 gold coins Big Box
5700 10 gems 50 gems
6000 Epic Container Legendary Container


Quest 1: Chris - Denver (North)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
  • Unlocks as soon as the Event Starts.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 240 Timber any 1h 22 22 2,131
2 180 Draisines Electric 1h 37 37 1,387
3 300 Milk any 1h 28 28 2,488
4 150 Rails Epic Diesel 1h 62 62 1,039

Quest 2: Chris - Denver (South)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region
  • Unlocks as soon as The Event Starts.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 240 Copper Steam 1h 22 22 1,990
2 270 Dynamites any 1h 25 25 2,081
3 210 Saw Blades Steam 1h 42 42 1,618
4 330 Rail Buffers any 1h 31 31 2,478

Quest 3: Julia - Chicago (North)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
  • Unlocks as soon as the Event starts
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 190 Sheet Steel any 1h 33 33 1,642
2 290 Signals any 1h 25 25 2,392
3 260 Chairs Rare 1h 28 29 2,191
4 350 Dynamites any 1h 31 31 2,613

Quest 4: Julia - Chicago (South)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region
  • Unlocks as soon as the Event Starts.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 160 Rail Buffers Rare 1h 33 33 1,280
2 290 Rails any 1h 25 25 1,938
3 320 Iron Powder any 1h 28 28 1,763
4 260 Draisines Epic 1h 47 47 1,941

Quest 5: Austin - Albuquerque (North)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 1 and Quest 2.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 320 Chairs any 1h 27 27 2,478
2 350 Rails any 1h 30 30 2,364
3 260 Chairs Steam 1h 45 45 2,103
4 210 Dynamites Rare 1h 50 50 1,743

Quest 6: Austin - Albuquerque (South)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 1 and Quest 2.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 230 Timber Epic 1h 41 41 1,987
2 350 Draisines any 1h 30 30 2,641
3 260 Milk Steam 1h 45 45 2,116
4 380 Rail Buffers any 1h 33 33 2,792

Quest 7: Austin - Dallas (West)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 3 and Quest 4.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 170 Saw Blades Rare 1h 41 41 1,456
2 330 Rail Buffers any 1h 30 30 2,505
3 150 Signals Rare Electric 1h 60 60 1,287
4 360 Rails any 1h 33 33 2,519

Quest 8: Jacob - Dallas (East)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 3 and Quest 4.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 300 Sheet Steel any 1h 27 27 2,692
2 240 Signals Diesel 1h 45 45 2,059
3 330 Pallets any 1h 30 30 2,374
4 360 Dynamites any 1h 33 33 2,803

Quest 9: Chris - Salt Lake City (North)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 5 and Quest 6.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 180 Iron Powder Rare 1h 41 41 1,114
2 350 Rail Buffers any 1h 30 30 2,599
3 260 Chairs Steam 1h 45 45 2,035
4 380 Signals any 1h 33 33 3,201

Quest 10: Chris - Salt Lake City (South)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 5 and Quest 6.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 320 Copper any 1h 27 27 2,604
2 350 Rails any 1h 30 30 2,389
3 260 Draisines Steam 1h 45 45 1,983
4 260 Rails Epic 1h 50 50 1,775

Quest 11: Julia - Cincinnati (North)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 7 and Quest 8.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 170 Plastic Furniture Rare 1h 41 41 1,322
2 330 Dynamites any 1h 30 30 2,597
3 150 Signals Epic Steam 1h 60 60 1,301
4 360 Rail Buffers any 1h 33 33 2,761

Quest 12: Julia - Cincinnati (South)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 7 and Quest 8.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 300 Timber any 1h 27 27 2,721
2 240 Signals Diesel 1h 45 45 2,081
3 330 Glue any 1h 30 30 2,333
4 360 Dynamites any 1h 33 33 2,833

Quest 13: Austin - Pheonix (North)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 9 and Quest 10.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 300 Barrels any 1h 27 27 2,568
2 240 Rail Buffers Steam 1h 45 45 2,103
3 330 Steel any 1h 30 30 2,025
4 360 Draisines any 1h 33 33 2,863

Quest 14: Austin - Pheonix (South)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 9 and Quest 10.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 210 Flour Legendary 1h 41 41 1,695
2 330 Rails any 1h 30 30 2,358
3 150 Draisines Epic Diesel 1h 60 60 1,193
4 360 Rails any 1h 33 33 2,572

Quest 15: Austin - Atlanta (West)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 11 and Quest 12.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 320 Timber any 1h 27 27 2,824
2 350 Rail Buffers any 1h 30 30 2,626
3 260 Sheet Steel Diesel 1h 45 45 2,319
4 210 Rail Buffers Rare 1h 50 50 1,733

Quest 16: Austin - Atlanta (East)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 11 and Quest 12.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 180 Chairs Rare 1h 41 41 1,566
2 350 Draisines any 1h 30 30 2,697
3 260 Copper Diesel 1h 45 45 2,161
4 380 Signals any 1h 33 33 3,235

Quest 17: Chris - Las Vegas (North)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 13 and Quest 14.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 390 Barrles any 1h 36 36 3,373
2 270 Draisines Diesel 1h 60 60 2,170
3 420 Copper any 1h 40 40 3,632
4 460 Draisines any 1h 44 44 3,675

Quest 18: Chris - Las Vegas (South)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region 
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 13 and Quest 14.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 270 Timber Epic 1h 54 54 2,501
2 420 Dynamites any 1h 40 40 3,375
3 180 Rails Epic Steam 1h 80 80 1,300
4 460 Dynamites any 1h 44 44 3,675

Quest 19: Julia - Washington D.C. (North)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 15 and Quest 16.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 290 Milk Epic 1h 54 54 2,436
2 450 Signals any 1h 40 40 3,871
3 290 Barrels Diesel 1h 60 60 2,436
4 480 Rail Buffers any 1h 44 44 3,639

Quest 20: Julia - Washington D.C. (South)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region 
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 15 and Quest 16.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 410 Sheet Steel any 1h 36 36 3,656
2 450 Rail Buffers any 1h 40 40 3,412
3 290 Signals Electric 1h 60 60 2,495
4 320 Rails Epic 1h 66 66 2,254

Quest 21: Chris - Los Angeles (North)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 17 and Quest 18.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 190 Copper Epic Diesel 1h 70 70 1,636
2 460 Rails any 1h 39 39 3,295
3 340 Dynamites Legendary 1h 63 63 2,716
4 370 Rail Buffers Electric 1h 68 68 2,910

Quest 22: Chris - Los Angeles (South)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 17 and Quest 18.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 430 Timber any 1h 35 35 3,967
2 310 Signals Steam 1h 58 58 2,732
3 340 Chairs any 1h 63 63 2,815
4 370 Dynamites Electric 1h 68 68 2,987

Quest 23: Julia - New York City (North)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 19 and Quest 20.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 180 Copper Common 1h 53 53 1,833
2 230 Dynamites Epic Diesel 1h 77 77 1,810
3 540 Milk any 1h 42 42 4,582
4 380 Signala Diesel 1h 68 68 3,337

Quest 24: Julia - New York City (South)[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region
  • Unlocked after completing Quest 19 and Quest 20.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon RailRevKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 450 Pallets any 1h 35 35 3,262
2 320 Rail Buffers Steam 1h 58 58 2,452
3 540 Steel any 1h 42 42 3,246
4 260 Signals Legendary Diesel 1h 91 91 2,284

External Links[]
