Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Icon Event TrainStationInvetigationMidiEvent

Train Station Investigation Midi Event logo

The Train Station Investigation Midi Event is a midi-event running from 29th August to 8th September 2024, beginning and ending at 12:00 PM UTC. Minimum level: 12.


  • Compete in the competitions 🏆 to win Evidence and Police Files usable in the Shop.

🏅29 August-1 September.
🏅2-4 September.
🏅5-8 September.

Event Locations[]

This mini event takes place in Germany and with the trains used being those from the player's highest unlocked regions.

Event Currencies[]

Item Type
Icon PoliceFiles Police Files
Icon Evidence Evidence
Icon TSI MidiEventCoin Midi Event Token
Icon ep
Event Points

Raw Materials[]

Item Name Collection
Time Icon Clock
Icon Plastic Plastic 1m

Factory Materials[]


Item Name Parts Production
Part 1 Part 2
Tweezers 10 Tweezers 50x Steel - 5m
Gloves 10 Gloves 50x Plastic - 5m
Number Tag 10 Number Tags 100x Plastic 50x Wood 10m
Police Tape 10 Police Tapes 100x Plastic 50x Nails 10m
Fingerprints 10 Fingerprints 5x Police Tape 50x Iron Powder 15m


Event Offers[]

The Event Offers for locomotives vary by a player's level/region in the game.
The amount of Gold Coins and Upgrade Parts awarded is dependent on player level/region.
Midi Event Coin Offers Limit
3500 Royal Container 2
1800 CSX LAW ENFORCEMENT (30/60 E-D) 1
200 Blue City Plans 10
200 Yellow City Plans 10
200 Red City Plans 10
70 Legendary Upgrade Parts 20
70 Epic Upgrade Parts 20
60 Rare Upgrade Parts 40
60 Common Upgrade Parts 40
60 Gold Coins 10
15 2 Keys -
Police Files Offers Limit
1000 NSB EL16 (15/30 R-E) 1
200 LNER A2 PEPPERCORN (5/20 C-S) 1
300 +30 Engine Boost 4h -
300 +20 Engine Boost 8h -
300 +10 Engine Boost 12h -
300 Big Box 10
Key Offers Limit
200 Advanced Container (Germany) -


Redeem Codes[]

  • Redeem Codes are time-sensitive and expire within 7 days or end of the event period, whichever comes earlier.
Code Reward
TSICASE 10 Midi Event Tokens

Event Pass[]

  • Event Pass Rewards must be activated by purchasing Event Pass prior to receiving.
  • Quantities of free rewards doubled (2x) if Event Pass is purchased (Containers not doubled)
  • The amount of Gold Coins and Upgrade Parts awarded is dependent on player /region.
EP Collected Rewards
Icon eventpass

Event Pass

Start LNER A2 PEPPERCORN (5/20 C-S) Big Box
100 50 Police Files 150 Police Files
200 5 Tweezers 20 Tweezers
300 5 Gloves 20 Gloves
400 9 red city plans 150 gems
500 5 Number Tags 20 Number Tags
600 3 Police Tapes 20 Police Tapes
700 9 yellow city plans 250 Police Files
800 9 blue city plans 250 Evidence
900 2 Fingerprints 20 Fingerprints
1000 Francesca profile pic Big Box
1100 Epic upgrade parts 250 gems
1200 50 Evidence 500 Evidence
1300 50 Police Files 300 Police Files
1400 20 gems 350 gems
1500 Legendary upgrade parts Big Box
Post 1500 - Endless toolbox



There are three contractors, each with their own quests. Jobs from Inspector Haines and Francesca reward the player with Police Files, EP, and XP, while jobs from Dalton will reward the player with Midi Event Tokens. Jobs from Dalton will require evidence and only TSI-badged trains can be dispatched.


The player is to complete contracts, in order to gather Evidence. They can buy more slots to complete more contracts by purchasing with Police Files.


Quest 1: Inspector Haines[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files EP XP
1 290 Cement Steam 45s 50 75 4,709
2 290 Tables any 15m 50 75 17,325
3 220 Plastic Furniture Common 1h 50 75 12,841
4 240 Electronic Parts Epic Diesel 1h 50 75 15,942

Quest 2: Francesca[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files EP XP
1 280 Paint Steam 45s 50 75 9,527
2 300 Jackets any 15m 50 75 12,052
3 260 Steel Rare 1h 50 75 11,367
4 350 Chairs Diesel 1h 50 75 20,136

Quest 3: Dalton[]

  • Trains required: Train Station Investigation (Highest Unlocked Region and Highest Unlocked Region - 1)
  • Becomes a place to do side jobs after quest is complete. (Trains: Train Station Investigation)
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Midi Event Token
1 250 Evidence any 1h 500
2 500 Evidence any 1h 500
3 1000 Evidence any 1h 500

Quest 4: Inspector Haines[]

  • Unlocked after completing Quests 1 and 2
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files Evidence
1 650 Chairs any 15m 50 50

Quest 5: Inspector Haines[]

  • Unlocked after completing Quest 4
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files EP XP
1 370 Steel any 1h 50 75 14,706
2 300 Milk Electric 1h 50 75 18,327
3 350 Books Epic 1h 50 75 18,269
4 370 Sofas any 1h 50 75 25,235

Quest 6: Francesca[]

  • Unlocked after completing Quest 4
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files EP XP
1 370 Sheet Steel any 1h 50 75 24,577
2 300 Cement Rare Diesel 1h 50 75 10,323
3 160 Copper Common 1h 50 75 11,729
4 290 Stainless Steel any 1h 50 75 11,526

Quest 7: Francesca[]

  • Unlocked after completing Quests 5 and 6
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files Evidence
1 920 Jackets any 15m 100 100

Quest 8: Inspector Haines[]

  • Unlocked after completing Quest 7
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files EP XP
1 270 Glue Diesel 1h 50 75 13,133
2 290 Chairs any 1h 50 75 16,684
3 280 Saw Blades Epic 1h 50 75 15,611
4 320 Bread any 1h 50 75 32K
5 280 TVs Rare Electric 1h 50 75 14,615

Quest 9: Francesca[]

  • Unlocked after completing Quest 7
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files EP XP
1 270 Paint any 1h 50 75 14,093
2 270 Steel any 1h 50 75 10,731
3 270 Timber Rare 1h 50 75 19,728
4 270 Cement any 1h 50 75 9,291
5 290 Plastics Electric 1h 50 75 12,558

Quest 10: Inspector Haines[]

  • Unlocked after completing Quests 8 and 9
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files Evidence
1 1080 Plastics any 15m 150 150

Quest 11: Inspector Haines[]

  • Unlocked after completing Quest 10
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files EP XP
1 400 Salt any 1h 50 75 20,878
2 370 Pallets any 1h 50 75 18,654

Quest 12: Francesca[]

  • Unlocked after completing Quest 10
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files EP XP
1 390 Textile any 1h 50 75 18,275
2 280 Bricks any 1h 50 75 13,619

Quest 13: Francesca[]

  • Unlocked after completing Quests 11 and 12
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files Evidence
1 1200 Milk any 15m 200 200

Quest 14: Inspector Haines[]

  • Unlocked after completing Quest 13
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
  • Becomes a place to do side jobs after quest is complete. (Trains: Highest Unlocked Region)
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files EP XP
1 370 Closets any 1h 50 75 27,288

Quest 15: Francesca[]

  • Unlocked after completing Quest 13
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
  • Becomes a place to do side jobs after quest is complete. (Trains: Highest Unlocked Region)
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Police Files EP XP
1 270 Bricks any 1h 50 75 13,170

External Links[]
