Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Icon Shop

The Shop is an area in the game where the player can buy things, such as upgrade parts, currency, and dispatchers. The player can purchase with in-game currencies (Coins and Gems) or real-life currency. They can also watch an advertisement to get what is being sold.


This section contains offers, which will only be available for a limited amount of time, for real-life currency. The offers can be of upgrade parts, trains, gems, and event currencies. The trains in the offer can be trains that can be obtained through containers or trains that only exist during special offers.

Daily Offers[]

This section sells the player upgrade parts and boxes, which change daily. It also sells container of trains, corresponding to the part's rarity being sold that day (e.g., if a day offers Common Parts, the container will be a Common Container). The offers at the top sells parts and a box for coins (and by watching an advertisement) while those at the bottom sells a container, a box, and parts for gems or keys. Furthermore, trains from previous region will be sold in the section in exchange for gems. The daily offers change according to the following schedule:

  • Monday: Common, Small Box
  • Tuesday: Rare, Small Box
  • Wednesday: Epic, Big Box
  • Thursday: Common, Small Box
  • Friday: Rare, Small Box
  • Saturday: Epic, Big Box
  • Sunday: Legendary, Big Box

Ad Offers[]

Common Upgrade Parts
Rare Upgrade Parts
Epic Upgrade Parts
Legendary Upgrade Parts
1 Britain 75 30 3 1
2 Germany 98 39 4 2
3 USA ? ? ? ?
4 France ? ? ? ?
5 Canada 215 86 9 3
6 Finland 279 112 12 4
7 Netherlands 363 145 15 5
8 Australia 471 189 19 7
9 Sweden 612 245 25 9
10 Japan ? ? ? ?
11 Egypt ? ? ? ?

Coin-Costing Offers[]

Common Upgrade Parts
Gold Coins
Rare Upgrade Parts
Gold Coins
Epic Upgrade Parts
Gold Coins
Legendary Upgrade Parts
Gold Coins
Small Box
Gold Coins
Big Box
Gold Coins
1 Britain 300 120 100 100 15 250 3 250 1 40 1 120
2 Germany 390 360 130 300 20 750 4 750 1 120 1 360
3 USA ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 ?
4 France ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 ?
5 Canada 857 2400 286 2000 43 5000 9 5000 1 800 1 2400
6 Finland 1114 3600 372 3000 56 7500 12 7500 1 1200 1 3600
7 Netherlands 1449 5700 483 4750 73 11875 15 11875 1 1900 1 5700
8 Australia 1881 8700 627 7250 95 18125 19 18125 1 2900 1 8700
9 Sweden 2448 13800 816 11500 123 28750 25 28750 1 4600 1 13800
10 Japan ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 ?
11 Egypt ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 ?
12 Italy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 ?

Gem-Costing Offers[]

The following shows offers that cost gems. A Small Box always costs 20 Gem and a Big Box always costs 40 Gem regardless of the latest region.

Region Parts
Common Upgrade Parts
Rare Upgrade Parts
Epic Upgrade Parts
Legendary Upgrade Parts
Cost 200 Gem 200 Gem 250 Gem 300 Gem
1 Britain 2500 550 100 20
2 Germany 3250 715 130 26
3 USA ? ? ? ?
4 France ? ? ? ?
5 Canada 7141 1571 286 58
6 Finland 9283 2043 372 75
7 Netherlands 12068 2655 483 97
8 Australia 15675 3449 627 126
9 Sweden 20400 4488 816 164
10 Japan ? ? ? ?
11 Egypt ? ? ? ?
12 Italy ? ? ? ?


In this section, the player can buy a Big Box for 50 Gems and Containers. Basic and Advanced Containers are sold each for 100 and 200 Keys respectively while Supreme Containers are sold each for 150 Gems. The player can also get a free box every 4 hours and another (also every 4 hours) by watching an advertisement.

Gems and Coins[]

The player can buy gems with real-life currency and coins in exchange for Gems. The amounts of coins change depending on the player's region.

Gold Coins
Cost 20 Gem 100 Gem 500 Gem
1 Britain 40 210 1150
2 Germany 120 630 3450
3 USA ? ? ?
4 France ? ? ?
5 Canada 800 4200 23000
6 Finland 1200 6300 34500
7 Netherlands 1900 9975 54625
8 Australia 2900 15225 83375
9 Sweden 4600 24150 132250
10 Japan ? ? ?
11 Egypt ? ? ?
12 Italy ? ? ?


In this section, the player can both temporary and permanent dispatchers. The player can watch an advertisement to get a free temporary dispatcher, who will work for just an hour, every six hours. Other temporary dispatchers are also available, who can be hired for gems for a set amount of time. Meanwhile, permanent dispatchers are available only at certain levels (one every 100 after level 100) and they can be hired with either gems or resources.
