Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Icon Seaport Midi Event Logo

Seaport Midi Event (Autumn 2023)

The Seaport event is a recurring midi-event in the game. The Autumn Event occurs from 6th October to 12th October 2023, beginning and ending at 12 noon UTC. Minimum level: 12.


  • Compete in the competitions πŸ† to win Seaport Coins usable in the Shop.

πŸ…6-9 October.
πŸ…9-12 October.

Event Locations

This event has no unique region and takes place in the player's three latest Regions.

Event Currencies

Item Type
Icon SeaportCoin New Seaport Coin

Event Materials

  • All event materials are obtained via jobs at the Seaport.
Item Name
Icon Anchor Anchor
Icon Compass Compass
Icon Paddles Paddles
Icon SRope Rope
Icon ShipWheel Ship Wheel


Event Offers

The Event Offers for locomotives vary by a player's level/region in the game.
The amount of Gold Coins and Upgrade Parts awarded is also dependent on player level.
What is documented here may vary from your experience.
The following offers (locomotives) are from a player in Region 8.
Seaport Coin Offers Limit
1500 Legendary Container (Netherlands) -
800 Epic Container (Netherlands) -
200 Rare Container (Netherlands) -
100 Common Container (Netherlands) -
1200 Legendary Container (Finland) -
640 Epic Container (Finland) -
160 Rare Container (Finland) -
80 Common Container (Finland) -
1000 Legendary Container (Canada) -
525 Epic Container (Canada) -
130 Rare Container (Canada) -
65 Common Container (Canada) -
800 Legendary Container (France) -
420 Epic Container (France) -
105 Rare Container (France) -
55 Common Container (France) -
650 Legendary Container (USA) -
335 Epic Container (USA) -
85 Rare Container (USA) -
45 Common Container (USA) -
520 Legendary Container (Germany) -
270 Epic Container (Germany) -
70 Rare Container (Germany) -
40 Common Container (Germany) -
415 Legendary Container (Britain) -
215 Epic Container (Britain) -
60 Rare Container (Britain) -
35 Common Container (Britain) -
100 Legendary Upgrade Parts 10
100 Epic Upgrade Parts 10
50 Rare Upgrade Parts 20
50 Common Upgrade Parts 20
20 Gold Coins 40


Event Pass

  • Event Pass Rewards must be activated by purchasing Event Pass prior to receiving.
  • Quantities of free rewards doubled (2x) if Event Pass is purchased (Containers not doubled)
  • The amount of Gold Coins and Upgrade Parts awarded is dependent on player level.
Seaport Coin Collected Rewards
Icon eventpass

Event Pass

Start - Legendary upgrade parts
10 Common upgrade parts Big Box
15 5 blue city plans 20 blue city plans
30 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
50 5 yellow city plans 20 yellow city plans
65 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
80 5 red city plans 20 red city plans
100 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
115 12 keys 100 keys
130 Gold coins Big Box
150 3 gems 40 gems
150 Basic Container Rare Container
200 Common upgrade parts Big Box
230 5 blue city plans 20 blue city plans
260 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
300 5 yellow city plans 20 yellow city plans
330 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
360 5 red city plans 20 red city plans
400 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
4300 12 keys 100 keys
460 Gold coins Big Box
500 3 gems 40 gems
550 Supreme Container Epic Container
600 Common upgrade parts Big Box
650 5 blue city plans 20 blue city plans
700 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
750 5 yellow city plans 20 yellow city plans
800 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
850 5 red city plans 20 red city plans
900 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
950 12 keys 100 keys
1000 Gold coins Big Box
1050 3 gems 40 gems
1100 Royal Container Rare Container
1160 Common upgrade parts Big Box
1220 5 blue city plans 20 blue city plans
1280 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
1340 5 yellow city plans 20 yellow city plans
1420 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
1500 5 red city plans 20 red city plans
1600 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
1700 12 keys 100 keys
1800 Gold coins Big Box
1900 3 gems 40 gems
2000 Epic Container Legendary Container


The player complete jobs in their three highest unlocked regions by sending Seaport event materials in exchange of Seaport Coins. In the Seaport, the player completes contracts by sending non-event materials in order to obtain event materials. One earns 25 Seaport Coin, 20 Seaport Coin, and 15 Seaport Coin from their highest, second-highest, and third-highest unlocked regions respectively.


The player obtains event materials by completing contracts, which refresh every 4 hours, in ships. Once a contract is completed, they must wait for an hour until a new one appears. There are three free ships. However, the player can also rent one bonus ship by watching an ad and buy another set of three with real-life currency. The ship that is rented by watching an ad works like the other ships. However, once its contract is completed, the player must wait for two hours to watch another ad and rent it again.

See Also

External Links
