Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Icon Event PolarExpressMidiEvent

Polar Express Mini Event 2024

The Polar Express Mini Event is a mini-event running from 5th to 8th January 2024, beginning and ending at 12 UTC. Minimum level: 12.


  • Compete in the competitions 🏆 to win Polar Coins usable in the Shop.
  • Only coins got from contracts, passengers, and treasure chests count towards the competition.

🏅5-8 January.

Event Locations

The event doesn't have a specific location. However, the player completes jobs in their three most recent Regions to obtain tickets and passengers. The trains required are also from the region, where the job takes place.

Event Currencies

Item Type
Icon PolarTicket Polar Ticket
Icon PolarCoin Polar Coin


Item Type
Icon TeddyBear Teddy Bear
Icon Duck Duck
Icon Rocket Rocket
Icon WoodenTrain Wooden Train
Icon Robot Robot
Icon SnowGlobe Snow Globe
Icon T-Rex T-Rex
Icon Ball Ball


Event Offers

The amount of Gold Coins and Upgrade Parts awarded is dependent on player level/region.
What is documented here may vary from your experience.
Polar Coin Offers Limit
3000 Mega Box 3
1500 Big Box 7
500 Small Box 10
500 Legendary Upgrade Parts 20
500 Epic Upgrade Parts 20
250 Rare Upgrade Parts 40
250 Common Upgrade Parts 40
25 2 Keys -

Event Pass

  • Event Pass Rewards must be activated by purchasing Event Pass prior to receiving.
  • Quantities of free rewards doubled (2x) if Event Pass is purchased (Containers not doubled).
  • The amount of Gold Coins and Upgrade Parts awarded is dependent on player level.
Polar Coins Collected Rewards
Icon eventpass

Event Pass

Start - 7 Polar Tickets
150 2 Polar Tickets Big Box
300 9 blue city plans 36 blue city plans
450 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
600 9 yellow city plans 38 yellow city plans
800 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
1000 9 red city plans 38 red city plans
1250 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
1500 Gold coins Big Box
1750 3 gems 40 gems
2000 Basic Container Rare Container
2250 9 blue city plans 38 blue city plans
2500 2 Polar Tickets Big Box
2750 9 yellow city plans 36 yellow city plans
3000 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
3250 9 red city plans 38 red city plans
3500 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
3750 12 keys 100 keys
4000 Gold coins Big Box
4250 3 gems 40 gems
4500 Supreme Container Epic Container
4800 3 Polar Tickets Big Box
5100 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
5400 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
5700 3 gems 40 gems
6000 Epic Container Legendary Container


The player completes jobs in their three latest region, obtaining tickets and gifts. Completing jobs in the Highest Unlocked Region gives 2 Polar Ticket and a gift while those in Highest Unlocked Region - 1 and - 2 give 1 Polar Ticket and a gift. The Polar Express will only depart when there is at least a gift inside one of the gift boxes and the ride cannot be cancelled once the Express departs. The player is provided with three free gift boxes but more can be bought with gems. A single ticket is needed to move it to a single destination on the event map. Polar Coins can be earned by sending a gift to a kid, opening chests, or completing contracts. Once the Express reaches the Finish destination, it will return to the station and the player can start the journey all over again with a completely random map.

Buying More Gift Boxes

The player can buy more gift boxes if they want to. The boxes can be bought with the following prices.

Box # Icon gem
1 30
2 50
3 90
4 150
5 225


In the map, there will be Small and Big Contracts available along the way. The contracts are similar to the ship trades in the Seaport, where the player trades resources in exchange for Polar Coins, with big contracts requiring more resources than the small ones. When the requirements are fulfilled, the player can also play an advertisement to get double the amount of coins. The player, when they are in the contract destination, can choose to ignore them.


The player can exchange items in exchange for gems in the Markets. There is also a free offer, where the player only needs to watch an advertisement to get the offered item.

See Also

External Links
