Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Icon Mission Mars Event Logo

Mission Mars Event 2024

The Mission Mars Event is an event running from 11th June - 1st July, 2024. The event begins and end at 12 PM UTC. The event shop will be available until 3rd July, 2024, 12PM UTC. In this event, the players help three contractors to build a research station.


  • Compete in the competitions 🏆 to win Yard Coins usable in the Shop.

🏅11-13 June.
🏅14-17 June.
🏅18-20 June.
🏅21-24 June.
🏅25-27 June.
🏅28 June-1 July.


Every 24 hours, a new challenge will be available for players to participate in. Each challenge will require one to do certain action as many times or as long as what is asked by each challenge. Some of them will be competitive. Click/tap here to see each one.

Event Locations[]

The Map[]

Mission Mars Event Map

All Quests & Materials Locations[]

Event Currencies[]

Item Type
Icon MarsKey Mars Key
Icon MarsCoin Mars Coin
Icon Potato Potato
Icon ep Event Points

Raw Materials[]

Item Name Destination Collection
Icon WaterIce Water Ice Ice Lake 3m -
Icon Basalt Basalt Basalt Quarry 3m -
Icon Tharsium Tharsium Tharsium Mine 15m
  • Mission Mars trains only
    (Highest Unlocked Region and Highest Unlocked Region - 1)
  • Complete East Rail quest
Icon TerraformingFuel Terraforming Fuel Fuel Plant 1m In-app purchase

Factory Materials[]


Item Name Parts Production
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Terraforming Fuel 60 Terraforming Fuel 40 Water Ice 40 Tharsium - 5m
Solar Panel 60 Solar Panels 40 Icon Basalt 20 Water Ice - 10m
Icon MarsPod 150 Mars Pods 50 Basalt 50 Rover 50 Marsbot 20m
Probe 100 Probes 40 Terraforming Fuel 60 Solar Panel - 15m
Rover 120 Rovers 40 Basalt 40 Solar Panel 40 Steel 20m
Marsbot 130 Marsbots 50 Terraforming Fuel 40 Nails 40 Copper 15m


Event Offers[]

  • The amount of Gold Coins and Upgrade Parts awarded is dependent on player level/region.
  • The level of the building awarded is dependent on player level/region.
Mars Coin Offers Limit
1000 PODLINER CLASS 505 (40/80 L-E) 1
100 Big Box Unlimited
10 Gold Coins 10
Mars Key Offers Limit
4000 VESPIDAE (40/80 L-D) 1
500 RAILRUNNER E30 (15/30 C-E) 1
500 Martian Base 1
100 Legendary Upgrade Parts 20
100 Epic Upgrade Parts 20
50 Rare Upgrade Parts 40
50 Common Upgrade Parts 40
5 2 Keys Unlimited
Potato Offers Limit
1000 DECOLINER (30/60 E-D) 1
80 150 Mars Keys Unlimited
8 12 Keys Unlimited
Cost Offers Limit
EP Free reward EMC E3 (5/20 C-D) 1
Gold Coins NSWGR C38 (10/30 R-S) 2
Keys EMC E3 (5/20 C-D) 2


Redeem Codes[]

  • Redeem Codes are time-sensitive and expire within 7 days or end of the event period, whichever comes earlier.
Code Reward
ODYSSEY[1] 50 Mars Keys
COSMOS 10 Mars Coins
STARDUST 50 Mars Keys

Event Pass[]

  • Event Pass Rewards must be activated by purchasing Event Pass prior to receiving.
  • Quantities of free rewards doubled (2x) if Event Pass is purchased (Containers not doubled)
  • The amount of Gold Coins and Upgrade Parts awarded is dependent on player level.
Event Points Collected Rewards
Icon eventpass

Event Pass

Start EMC E3 (5/20 C-D) NEON TRON QUASAR (20/40 R-E)
25 Common upgrade parts Big Box
50 9 blue city plans 36 blue city plans
100 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
150 9 yellow city plans 38 yellow city plans
200 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
250 9 red city plans 38 red city plans
300 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
350 Ares 939 profile pic 140 keys
400 Gold coins Big Box
450 10 gems 50 gems
500 Basic Container Rare Container
600 Common upgrade parts Big Box
700 9 blue city plans 38 blue city plans
800 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
900 9 yellow city plans 36 yellow city plans
1000 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
1100 9 red city plans 38 red city plans
1200 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
1300 35 keys 140 keys
1400 Gold coins Big Box
1500 10 gems 50 gems
1600 Advanced Container Epic Container
1800 Common upgrade parts Big Box
1950 9 blue city plans 38 blue city plans
2100 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
2250 9 yellow city plans 38 yellow city plans
2400 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
2550 9 red city plans 36 red city plans
2700 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
2850 35 keys 140 keys
3000 Gold coins Big Box
3150 10 gems 50 gems
3300 Advanced Container Epic Container
3500 Common upgrade parts Big Box
3700 9 blue city plans 36 blue city plans
3900 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
4000 9 yellow city plans 38 yellow city plans
4250 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
4500 9 red city plans 38 red city plans
4800 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
5100 35 keys 140 keys
5400 Gold coins Big Box
5700 10 gems 50 gems
6000 Epic Container Legendary Container
Post 6000 - Endless Toolbox (a reward every 250 EP)


The content of Quests vary by a player's level/region in the game.
What is documented here may vary from your experience.

Quest 1: Matthew - Launch Pads[]

  • Trains required: Mission Mars (Highest Unlocked Region and Highest Unlocked Region - 1)
# Materials required
Trains required Time Reward
1 1000 any 45s DECOLINER

Quest 2: Phoebe - Tower Base[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Mars Key EP XP
1 300 Solar Panels any 1h 55 10 16,222
2 240 Plastics Rare 1h 55 15 14,873
3 450 Rovers any 1h 55 15 28,404
4 350 Plywood Diesel 1h 55 25 30,799
5 500 Solar Panels any 1h 55 20 27,037
6 320 Pies Rare 1h 55 30 35,864
7 500 Rovers any 1h 55 25 31,659
8 300 Pencils Legendary Electric 1h 55 45 18,996

Quest 3: Matthew - East Rail[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
  • Completing this quest rewards the player with access to the Tharsium Mine (and Tharsium)
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Mars Key EP XP
1 450 Pallets any 45s 55 15 18,458
2 240 Tables Rare 45s 55 25 18,591
3 120 Bottles Common Steam 45s 55 35 4,923

Quest 4: Matthew - West Rail[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Mars Key EP XP
1 300 Bottles any 45s 55 15 12,306
2 200 Sofas Legendary 1h 55 25 12,727
3 300 Pencils any 45s 55 15 11,627
4 120 Bricks Common 1h 55 25 9,090
5 200 Chairs Diesel 1h 55 25 14,886

Quest 5: Emily - East Rail[]

  • Unlocked by completing Quest 3
  • Trains required: Mission Mars
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Legendary Upgrade Part
1 180 Barrels any 1h 65

Quest 6: Matthew - Habitat[]

  • Unlocked by completing Quests 2 and 3
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Potato Mars Key EP XP
1 320 Rovers Steam 1h 12 10 35 23,582
2 460 Gasoline any 1h 12 10 25 54,877
3 310 Marsbots Common 1h 12 10 35 20,540
4 460 Probes any 1h 12 10 25 46,674
5 320 Closets Diesel 1h 12 10 35 33,926
6 460 Marsbots any 1h 12 10 25 41,440
7 370 Books Legendary 1h 12 10 40 28,615
8 480 Solar Panels any 1h 12 10 25 30,547
9 330 Probes Diesel 1h 12 10 35 33,055
10 260 Copper Wire Legendary Diesel 1h 12 10 60 26,637

Quest 7: Ares 939 - Dig Site[]

  • Unlocked by completing Quest 3
  • Trains required: Mission Mars
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Potato Mars Key EP XP
1 250 Plywood any 1h 12 10 85 24,643
2 320 Glass any 1h 12 10 85 20,687
3 250 Marsbots any 1h 12 10 85 22,382
4 250 Probes any 1h 12 10 85 25,287
5 320 Timber any 1h 12 10 85 30,916
6 250 Solar Panels any 1h 12 10 85 16,213
7 250 Steel any 1h 12 10 85 15,646
8 320 Rovers any 1h 12 10 85 23,656
9 250 Marspods any 1h 12 10 85 32,194
10 320 Maarsbots any 1h 12 10 85 28,828
11 320 Books any 1h 12 10 85 25,187
12 250 Rovers any 1h 12 10 85 18,539
13 330 Terraforming Fuel any 1h 12 10 85 22,508

Quest 8: Phoebe - Communications Center[]

  • Unlocked by completing Quests 3 and 4
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Mars Key EP XP
1 280 Bread Legendary 1h 55 35 29,632
2 390 Textile any 1h 55 25 27,859
3 280 Rovers Electric 1h 55 35 20,634
4 390 Terraforming Fuel any 1h 55 25 27,061
5 280 Saws Legendary 1h 55 35 23,240
6 390 Probes any 1h 55 25 39,448
7 280 Flour Steam 1h 55 35 23,875
8 390 Probes any 1h 55 25 39,448
9 230 Terraforming Fuel Rare 1h 55 35 17,555
10 390 Copper any 1h 55 25 35,134
11 280 Solar Panels Diesel 1h 55 35 18,215
12 390 Nickel any 1h 55 25 23,596
13 170 Bottles Common 1h 55 35 15,592
14 390 Probes any 1h 55 25 39,572
15 190 Solar Panels Legendary Diesel 1h 55 45 12,092

Quest 9: Ares 939 - Terraforming Tower[]

  • Unlocked by completing Quest 6
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
  • Becomes a place to do side jobs after quest is complete (Trains: Highest Unlocked Region - 1)
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Potato Mars Key EP XP
1 700 Rovers any 1h 12 10 25 44,600
2 500 Jackets Diesel 1h 12 10 40 35,392
3 700 Sheet Steel any 1h 12 10 25 60,770
4 400 Marsbots Rare 1h 12 10 40 35,175
5 700 Rovers any 1h 12 10 25 44,739
6 450 Wool Electric 1h 12 10 35 22,648
7 700 Solar Panels any 1h 12 10 25 38,446
8 300 Plastic Furniture Common 1h 12 10 40 23,081
9 650 Mars Pods any 1h 12 10 25 77,509
10 500 Probes Diesel 1h 12 10 40 45,839
11 700 Textile any 1h 12 10 25 43,405
12 350 Probes Epic Electric 1h 12 10 60 32,187

Quest 10: Matthew - Agro Domes[]

  • Unlocked by completing Quest 7
  • Trains required: Mission Mars
  • Deliver all materials needed for each job before the time limit to get the limited-time reward. When the player fails to do so, they can still obtain the base rewards.
  • Timer for limited-time reward will not activate until the player taps on the job.
  • Becomes a place to do side jobs after quest is complete (Trains: Mission Mars)
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Potato Mars Key EP XP Time-Limited
Reward (3hr15m)
1 330 Glass any 1h 12 10 90 21,001 10 Mars Key
2 370 Mars Pods any 1h 12 10 90 47,198 12 Potato
3 370 Sheet Steel any 1h 12 10 90 35,483 25 Mars Key
4 330 Rovers any 1h 12 10 90 24,090 14 Potato
5 330 Terraforming Fuel any 1h 12 10 90 22,578 50 Mars Key
6 370 Jackets any 1h 12 10 90 29,551 16 Potato
7 370 Terraforming Fuel any 1h 12 10 90 25,394 75 Mars Key
8 410 Mars Pods any 1h 12 10 90 52,626 20 Potato
9 370 Cement any 1h 12 10 90 20,294 100 Mars Key
10 440 Maarsbots any 1h 12 10 90 39,294 25 Potato
11 410 Windows any 1h 12 10 90 32,005 150 Mars Key
12 510 Rovers any 1h 12 10 90 37,461 30 Potato

Quest 11: Phoebe - Research Module[]

  • Unlocked by completing Quest 8
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
  • Becomes a place to do side jobs after quest is complete (Trains: Highest Unlocked Region)
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Potato Mars Key EP XP
1 410 Bottles any 1h 12 10 25 30,772
2 300 Mars Pods Epic 1h 12 10 35 38,269
3 410 Nails any 1h 12 10 25 34,516
4 300 Solar Panels Electric 1h 12 10 35 19,092
5 410 Terraforming Fuel any 1h 12 10 25 27,964
6 300 Glue Legendary 1h 12 10 35 21,900
7 410 Mars Pods any 1h 12 10 25 52,463
8 300 Plastic Furniture Steam 1h 12 10 35 21,900
9 410 Probes any 1h 12 10 25 41,196
10 150 Mars Pods Rare Steam 1h 12 10 45 19,194

External Links[]
