Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki

Slide Christmas2020 Merry Christmas 2020 runs from 1 December 2020-4 January 2021.
The event begins and ends at 12 Noon UTC.
Minimum Player Level: 12

Note: According to the game's publisher, this event will be released in three phases.


Phase 1[]

  • Phase 1 runs from 1-21 December 2020.
Phase 1 runs like a typical TrainStation 2 event.
Regional tasks are spawned for players to collect Starkeys, experience points, and event points.

Phase 2: All About Reindeer[]

  • Phase 2 runs from 21-28 December 2020.
Phase 2 adds a Seaport-like event.
On the east side of The Seaport, there are six stalls for sleigh.
There are three sleighs with reindeer provided.
You may purchase an additional three sleighs with reindeer for your local hard currency.
You gather items to put in each sleigh.
When a sleigh is complete, you can send its reindeer off to help Santa deliver presents.
You are rewarded with mistletoe which you can use to purchase Phase 2 train offers.
You have four (4) hours to complete a Reindeer's task.
When those four hours pass or when you send off a Reindeer, there is a two (2) hour cool down period.

Phase 3: Countdown to the New Year[]

Complete Quest #6 below to spawn Fireworks for the New Year.
Additionally, there's a Lucky Train offer made during this phase.

In exchange for hard local currency, you have a one in five chance of obtaining the Lucky Train.

For this event, the train is:
Offer Limit


  • Compete in the competitions 🏆 to win Christmas Coins usable in the Shop.

🏅1-3 December.
🏅4-7 December.
🏅8-10 December.
🏅11-14 December.
🏅15-17 December.
🏅18-21 December.
🏅22-24 December.
🏅25-28 December.
🏅29-31 December.
🏅1-4 January.

Event Locations[]

Santa's Village[]

  • Textile Mill (3 minutes to get Fabric)
  • Paper Mill  (3 minutes to get Envelopes)
  • Santa's Workshop
  • Post Office
  • The Town
  • The Market

Event Currencies[]

Item Type
Icon starkey
Star Key
Icon ChristmasCoin
Christmas Coin
Icon ep
Event Points
Icon mistletoe
Mistletoe (Phase 2 only)

Raw Materials[]

Item Name Collection
Icon fabric
Icon envelope

Factory Materials[]

Item Name Parts Production
Part 1 Part 2
Icon decorations
50 Fabric - 5m
Icon ChristmasCards
Christmas Cards
20 Decorations 50 Envelopes 5m
Icon ChristmasPresent
Christmas Present
50 Decorations 30 Chistmas Cards 5m
Icon ChristmasSweater
Christmas Sweater
40 Fabric 50 Decorations 10m
Icon Sled
70 Fabric 30 Steel 20m
Icon Handbell
45 Steel 65 Decorations 30m


Event Offers[]

Christmas Coin Offers Limit
1000 DRG CLASS FROSTY (40/80 L-S) 1
100 Big Box Unlimited
10 Gold Coins (Amount varies by level) 100
Star Key Offers Limit
500 Christmas Palace 1
100 5 Legendary Upgrade Parts 20
100 18 Epic Upgrade Parts 20
50 38 Rare Upgrade Parts 40
50 198 Common Upgrade Parts 40

Phase 1 Train Offers[]

Star Key Offers Limit
4000 RUDOLPH (40/80 L-S) 1
2500 FS CLASS MR. PLOW (30/60 E-E) 1
1200 NORTH POLE EXPRESS (20/40 R-D) 1
500 EMD DDA40X GARLAND (15/30 C-D) 1

Phase 2 Train Offers[]

Mistletoe Offers Limit
4000 CHIMNEY TRAIN (40/80 L-S) 1
2500 GINGERBREAD TRAIN (30/60 E-S) 1
1200 MILLION LIGHTS (20/40 R-S) 1
500 CHRISTMAS WREATH (15/30 C-D) 1

Other Offers: This for That[]

Qty Part Offers Limit
Qty Part
40 Mistletoe 5 Starkey -
?? Starkey 5 Legendary Upgrade Parts ??
100 Starkey 18 Epic Upgrade Parts 12
50 Starkey 38 Rare upgrade parts 40
50 Starkey 198 Common Upgrade Parts 40
5 Starkey 2 Icon key -


Advent Calendar[]

Advent Calendar rewards must be collected by midnight (00:00) UTC.
These rewards cannot be collected retroactively.
Items as reported were doubled after viewing an advertisement.
Day Reward
1 5 gems
2 20 keys
3 11 Starkeys
4 500 gold coins
5 12 Starkeys
6 5 gems
7 13 Starkeys
8 25 keys
9 14 Starkeys
10 625 gold coins
11 15 Starkeys
12 5 gems
13 20 Starkeys
14 30 keys
15 21 Starkeys
16 750 gold coins
17 22 Starkeys
18 5 gems
19 23 Starkeys
20 35 keys
21 24 Starkeys
22 875 gold coins
23 25 mistletoe
24 10 gems
25 30 Starkeys
26 40 keys
27 31 mistletoe
28 750 gold coins
29 32 mistletoe
30 5 gems
31 33 Starkeys
32 10 gems
33 34 mistletoe
34 45 keys
35 35 Starkeys

Redeem Codes[]

  • Redeem Codes are time-sensitive and expire within days.
Code Reward
ADVENT1 10 Gems
MERRY 25 Starkeys
ADVENT2 10 Gems
ICICLE 25 Starkeys
ADVENT3 10 Gems
CHIMNEY 25 Starkeys
ADVENT4 10 Gems
MISTLETOE 50 mistletoe
PARASITE 40 mistletoe
NEWYEAR21 10 Gems

Event Pass[]

  • Event Pass Rewards must be activated by purchasing Event Pass prior to receiving.
  • Quantities of free rewards doubled (2x) if Event Pass is purchased (Containers not doubled)
Icon ep Collected Rewards
Icon eventpass
25 306 common upgrade parts Big Box
50 16 blue city plans Profile Picture (Christmas Elf)
100 62 rare upgrade parts Big Box
150 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
200 18 epic upgrade parts Big Box
250 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
300 7 legendary upgrade parts 27 legendary upgrade parts
350 35 keys 64 blue city plans
400 375 gold coins Big Box
450 10 gems 50 gems
500 Basic Container Epic Container
600 306 common upgrade parts Big Box
700 Profile Picture (Christmas Little Girl) 64 blue city plans
800 62 rare upgrade parts Big Box
900 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
1000 18 epic upgrade parts Big Box
1100 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
1200 7 legendary upgrade parts 27 legendary upgrade parts
1300 35 keys 140 keys
1400 375 gold coins Big Box
1500 10 gems 50 gems
1600 Advanced Container Epic Container
1800 306 common upgrade parts Big Box
1950 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
2100 62 rare upgrade parts Big Box
2250 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
2400 18 epic upgrade parts Big Box
2550 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
2700 7 legendary upgrade parts 27 legendary upgrade parts
2850 35 keys 140 keys
3000 375 gold coins Big Box
3150 10 gems 50 gems
3300 Advanced Container Epic Container
3500 306 common upgrade parts Big Box
3700 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
3900 62 rare upgrade parts Big Box
4000 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
4250 18 epic upgrade parts Big Box
4500 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
4800 7 legendary upgrade parts 27 legendary upgrade parts
5100 35 keys 140 keys
5400 Profile Picture (Santa) Big Box
5700 10 gems 50 gems
6000 Epic Container Legendary Container
6250 306 common upgrade parts Big Box
6500 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
6750 62 rare upgrade parts Big Box
7000 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
7250 18 epic upgrade parts Big Box
7500 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
7750 7 legendary upgrade parts 27 legendary upgrade parts
8000 35 keys Profile Picture (Chriistmas Mayor)
8250 375 gold coins Big Box
8500 10 gems 50 gems
8750 Advanced Container Epic Container


The content of Quests vary by a player's level/region in the game.
What is documented here may vary from your experience.

Quest 1: Mr. Claus - Christmas Santa - Santa's Workshop[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon starkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 234 plywood Diesel 1h 44 44 938
2 441 barrels any 1h 30 30 1611
3 187 handbells Rare 1h 44 44 679
4 441 Christmas Presents any 1h 30 30 1063
5 250 coal Rare 1h 44 44 392
6 441 steel any 1h 30 30 1141
7 187 timber Rare 1h 44 44 807
8 441 Christmas Sweaters any 1h 30 30 1235
9 234 sled Electric 1h 44 44 698
10 441 plywood any 1h 30 30 1790
11 187 Christmas Cards Rare 1h 44 44 565
12 441 sled any 1h 30 30 ???
13 234 tables Diesel 1h 44 44 1026
14 441 decorations any 1h 30 30 1171
15 147 handbell Epic/Electric 1h 59 59 504
Proceed to Quest #4

Quest 2: Christmas Mayor - The Town[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon starkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 555 milk any 1h 68 68 2239
2 286 iron powder Legendary 1h 102 102 824
3 555 sled any 1h 68 68 1845
4 286 Christmas Cards Diesel 1h 102 102 875
5 555 handbell any 1h 68 68 2042
6 286 saw blades Epic 1h 102 102 1091
7 555 milk any 1h 68 68 2267
8 286 sled Diesel 1h 102 102 963
9 555 decorations any 1h 68 68 1690
10 229 saw blades Rare 1h 102 102 974
11 555 Christmas Presents any 1h 68 68 1589
12 286 Christmas Cards Steam 1h 102 102 897
13 555 sled any 1h 68 68 1892
14 229 wool Rare 1h 102 102 754
15 555 closets any 1h 68 68 2684
16 286 gasoline Steam 1h 102 102 1542
17 555 Christmas Sweaters any 1h 68 68 1814
18 286 plastics Common 1h 102 102 675
19 578 flour any 1h 68 68 2299
20 298 handbell Steam 1h 102 102 1130
21 578 Christmas Cards any 1h 68 68 1813
22 298 Christmas Presents Legendary 1h 102 102 851
23 555 saw blades any 1h 68 68 ????
24 298 wool Steam 1h 102 102 879
25 578 plastic any 1h 68 68 1890
26 298 timber Legendary 1h 102 102 1341
27 578 handbell any 1h 68 68 2218
28 298 Christmas Sweaters Steam 1h 102 102 975
29 578 plywood any 1h 68 68 2655
30 195 sled Epic/Steam 1h 136 136 683
Round 2
1 875 sheet steel any 1h 75 75 3986
2 496 timber Rare 1h 113 113 2629
3 910 handbell any 1h 75 75 3818

Quest 3: Emily - Christmas Little Girl - Post Office[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon starkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 303 tables any 1h 38 38 1411
2 152 milk Steam 1h 57 57 613
3 303 Christmas Sweaters any 1h 38 38 953
4 152 handbell Epic 1h 57 57 560
5 303 tables any 1h 38 38 1411
6 152 plastic Diesel 1h 57 57 479
7 303 Christmas Presents any 1h 38 38 857
8 152 handbell Legendary 1h 57 57 567
9 303 Christmas Presents any 1h 38 38 857
10 152 glue Diesel 1h 57 57 526
11 303 chairs any 1h 38 38 1184
12 152 Christmas Presents Legendary 1h 57 57 436
13 303 iron powder any 1h 38 38 895
14 152 decorations Steam 1h 57 57 463
15 303 sheet steel any 1h 38 38 1337
16 152 Christmas Presents Legendary 1h 57 57 436
17 303 plastic any 1h 38 38 990
18 152 decorations Electric 1h 57 57 469
19 303 Christmas Cards any 1h 38 38 963
20 152 decorations Epic 1h 57 57 469
21 303 chairs any 1h 38 38 1214
22 152 iron powder Electric 1h 57 57 455
23 303 chairs any 1h 38 38 1214
24 158 Christmas Cards Epic 1h 57 57 496
25 315 decorations any 1h 38 38 959
26 158 wool Diesel 1h 57 57 466
27 315 copper any 1h 38 38 1312
28 95 handbell Common 1h 57 57 433
29 315 decorations any 1h 38 38 959
30 105 sled Rare/Diesel 1h 75 75 359
Round 2
1 630 saw blades any 1h 42 42 2447
2 315 iron powder Diesel 1h 63 63 929
3 630 Christmas Sweaters any 1h 42 42 2060
4 315 Christmas Presents Epic 1h 63 63 911
5 630 sled any 1h 42 42 2100
6 328 iron powder Diesel 1h 63 63 1040
7 656 Christmas Cards any 1h 42 42 2242

Quest 4: Christmas Elf - Toy Factory[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon starkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 315 copper any 1h 32 32 1196
2 168 sled Epic 1h 47 47 514
3 315 Christmas Sweaters any 1h 32 32 905
4 168 Christmas Presents Steam 1h 47 47 421
5 315 plastic any 1h 32 32 905
6 168 pallets Epic 1h 47 47 545
7 315 sled any 1h 32 32 963
8 168 Christmas Presents Diesel 1h 47 47 421
9 315 sheet steel any 1h 32 32 1299
10 168 Christmas Presents Legendary 1h 47 47 426
11 315 Christmas Sweaters any 1h 32 32 917
12 168 handbell Steam 1h 47 47 492
13 315 chairs any 1h 32 32 1152
14 135 copper Rare 1h 47 47 578
15 315 steel any 1h 32 32 869
16 168 sled Electric 1h 47 47 527
17 315 Christmas Sweaters any 1h 32 32 1324
18 168 Christmas Presents Diesel 1h 47 47 437
19 315 sled any 1h 32 32 1000
20 168 iron powder Electric 1h 47 47 453
21 315 chairs any 1h 32 32 1181
22 168 Christmas Cards Legendary 1h 47 47 485
23 315 Christmas Sweaters any 1h 32 32 952
24 168 timber Electric 1h 47 47 728
25 315 decorations any 1h 32 32 901
26 135 Christmas Sweaters Rare 1h 47 47 454
27 315 plastic any 1h 32 32 963
28 168 tables Electric 1h 47 47 794
29 315 copper any 1h 32 32 1288
30 105 handbell Epic/Electric 1h 63 63 388
Round 2
1 630 wool any 1h 36 36 1762
2 336 Christmas Cards Legendary 1h 52 52 1007
3 426 sled any 1h 36 36 2100

Phase 2: Quest 5: Mr. Claus - Christmas Santa - Santa's Workshop[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
  • One round of Santa's Phase 1 Quest must be completed for these tasks to be spawned
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon starkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 538 copper wire any 1h 45 45 2552
2 292 decorations Electric 1h 67 67 945
3 583 milk any 1h 45 45 2629
4 233 flour Rare 1h 67 67 1103
5 583 Christmas Presents any 1h 45 45 1789
6 292 decorations Diesel 1h 67 67 956
7 583 glue any 1h 45 45 2209
8 292 decorations Epic 1h 67 67 956
9 583 handbell any 1h 45 45 2389
10 292 plastic Diesel 1h 67 67 1016
11 583 gasoline any 1h 45 45 3410
12 233 plastic Rare 1h 67 67 903
13 583 decorations any 1h 45 45 1932
14 175 Christmas Sweaters Common 1h 67 67 740
15 583 handbells Legendary/Diesel 1h 90 90 2418
Round 2
1 910 saw blades any 1h 50 50 3869

Phase 3: Quest 6: Christmas Mayor - The Market[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon starkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 250 nails any 1h 47 47 1793
2 357 Christmas Presents Electric 1h 70 70 1022
3 693 wool any 1h 47 47 2057
4 286 decorations Rare 1h 70 70 979
5 693 Christmas Presents any 1h 47 47 2008
6 357 nails Steam 1h 70 70 1492
7 693 gasoline any 1h 47 47 4004
8 286 Christmas Sweaters Rare 1h 70 70 1046
9 693 copper any 1h 47 47 3043
10 357 Christmas Sweaters Electric 1h 70 70 1187
11 693 Christmas Presents any 1h 47 47 2008
12 215 Christmas Sweaters Common 1h 70 70 868
13 693 timber any 1h 47 47 3303
14 357 Christmas Sweaters Diesel 1h 70 70 1201
15 693 Christmas Presents Epic / Electric 1h 94 94 2055