Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki

Hdr EuropeanRailTrip European Rail Trip runs 20 April-10 May 2021.
The event and all competitions begin and end at 12 Noon UTC.
Minimum Player Level: 12


  • Compete in the competitions 🏆 to win Event Coins usable in the Shop.

🏅20-22 April.
🏅23-26 April.
🏅27-29 April.
🏅30 April-3 May.
🏅4-6 May.
🏅7-10 May.

Event Locations[]

  • Vienna (a/k/a Wien)
  • Kiev
  • Paris
  • Moscow
  • London
  • Berlin
  • Madrid
  • Helsinki
  • Rome
  • Stockholm
  • Athens
  • Oslo

Event Currencies[]

Item Type
Icon railrevkey
Rail Trip Key
Icon railtripcoin
Rail Trip Coin
Icon ep
Event Points

Raw Materials[]

  • Trains required: Highest unlocked region - 1
Item Name Collection
Icon railsleepers
Rail Sleepers
Icon tools

Factory Materials[]

Item Name Parts Production
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Icon rails
Rails (80)
30 rail sleepers 30 tools  20 steel 10m
Icon railbuffer
Rail Buffer (120)
50 rails 40 rail sleepers 30 saw blades 20m
Icon signals
Signals (100)
60 tools 40 nails - 20m
Icon dynamite
Dynamite (120)
70 tools 50 iron powder - 25m
Icon draisine
Draisine (140)
60 rails 40 rail sleepers 40 wood 30m


  • The quantities of Gold Coins and Upgrade Parts varies by player level.
Railroad Revolution Coin Offers Limit
1000 SJ F 1200 (40/80 L-S) 1
100 Big Box -
10 Gold Coins 100
Rail Trip Key Offers Limit
4000 CHS7 (40/80 L-E) 1
2500 BR D0260 LION (30/60 E-D) 1
1200 PRUSSIAN G 8 (20/40 R-S) 1
500 SNCF CLASS CC 65000 (15/30 C-D) 1
100 Legendary Upgrade Parts 20
100 Epic Upgrade Parts 20
50 Rare Upgrade Parts 40
50 Common Upgrade Parts 40
5 2 Keys -


Redeem Codes[]

  • Redeem Codes are time-sensitive and expire within days.
Code Reward
MADRID 25 Rail Trip Keys
EUROPE 25 Rail Trip Keys
VIENNA 25 Rail Trip Keys
DANUBE 25 Rail Trip Keys
WAGNER 25 Rail Trip Keys
PARIS 50 Rail Trip Keys

Event Pass[]

  • Event Pass Rewards must be activated by purchasing Event Pass prior to receiving.
  • Quantities of free rewards doubled (2x) if Event Pass is purchased (Containers not doubled)
  • The amount of Gold Coins and Upgrade Parts awarded is dependent on player level.
  • Progress on the Event Pass is determined by individual player achievement.
Icon ep Collected Rewards
Icon free
Icon eventpass
Start - FS CLASS E.403 (20/40 R/E)
25 Common Upgrade Parts Big Box
50 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
100 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
150 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
200 Epic Upgrade Parts Big Box
250 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
300 Legendary Upgrade Parts Legendary Upgrade Parts
350 35 keys 140 keys
400 Gold Coins Big Box
450 10 gems 50 gems
500 Basic container Rare container
600 Common Upgrade Parts Big Box
700 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
800 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
900 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
1000 Epic Upgrade Parts Big Box
1100 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
1200 Legendary Upgrade Parts Legendary Upgrade Parts
1300 35 keys 140 keys
1400 Gold Coins Big Box
1500 10 gems 50 gems
1600 Advanced container Epic container
1800 Common Upgrade Parts Big Box
1950 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
2100 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
2250 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
2400 18 Epic Upgrade Parts Big Box
2550 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
2700 Legendary Upgrade Parts Legendary Upgrade Parts
2850 35 keys 140 keys
3000 Gold Coins Big Box
3150 10 gems 50 gems
3300 Advanced container Epic container
3500 Common Upgrade Parts Big Box
3700 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
3900 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
4000 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
4250 Epic Upgrade Parts Big Box
4500 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
4800 Legendary Upgrade Parts Legendary Upgrade Parts
5100 35 keys 140 keys
5400 Gold Coins Big Box
5700 10 gems 50 gems
6000 Epic container Legendary container


The content of Quests vary by a player's level/region in the game.
What is documented here may vary from your experience.
This documentation is based on Canada (current level) and France (prior level).

Dion's Quests[]

Quest #1: Vienna - Dion[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 441 wool any 1h 30 30 2402
2 234 signals Steam 1h 50 50 1908
3 441 dynamite any 1h 30 30 3255
4 234 flour Electric 1h 50 50 1788
5 147 signals Rare / Steam 1h 65 65 1210

Quest #2: Vienna - Dion[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 294 plastic furniture any 1h 30 30 2430
2 156 rails Steam 1h 50 50 1290
3 294 flour any 1h 30 30 2715
4 156 rails Diesel 1h 50 50 1290
5 98 dynamite Rare / Steam 1h 65 65 894

Quest #3: Paris - Dion[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 441 flour any 1h 30 30 3369
2 234 signals Electric 1h 50 50 1925
3 441 rail buffers any 1h 30 30 3197
4 234 steel Diesel 1h 50 50 1331
5 147 rail buffers Legendary / Diesel 1h 65 65 1066

Quest #4: Paris - Dion[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 294 salt any 1h 30 30 2566
2 156 dynamite Steam 1h 50 50 1423
3 294 timber any 1h 30 30 3025
4 156 rails Electric 1h 50 50 1301
5 98 signals Rare / Steam 1h 65 65 970

Quest #5: London - Dion[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 441 sheet steel any 1h 30 30 3833
2 234 signals Electric 1h 50 50 1925
3 441 rails any 1h 30 30 2965
4 234 pallets Diesel 1h 50 50 1619
5 147 rail buffers Rare / Diesel 1h 65 65 1085

Quest #6: London - Dion[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 294 milk any 1h 30 30 2878
2 156 dynamite Steam 1h 50 50 1423
3 294 sheet steel any 1h 30 30 3052
4 156 rails Electric 1h 50 50 1312

Quest #7: Berlin - Dion[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 441 copper any 1h 30 30 3573
2 234 draisine Steam 1h 50 50 1758
3 441 signals any 1h 30 30 3659
4 234 pallets Diesel 1h 50 50 1619
5 147 rail buffers Rare / Diesel 1h 65 65 1085

Quest #8: Berlin - Dion[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 294 barrels any 1h 30 30 2878
2 156 rail buffers Electric 1h 50 50 1405
3 294 plastic any 1h 30 30 2299
4 156 draisine Electric 1h 50 50 1435
5 98 signals Rare / Electric 1h 65 65 987

Sven's Quests[]

Quest #1: Kiev - Sven[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 441 timber any 1h 30 30 3767
2 234 dynamite Electric 1h 50 50 1727
3 441 rail buffer any 1h 30 30 3170
4 234 iron powder Electric 1h 50 50 1286
5 147 rail buffers Rare / Diesel 1h 65 65 1066

Quest #2: Kiev - Sven[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 294 steel any 1h 30 30 2146
2 156 draisine Electric 1h 50 50 1727
3 294 rail buffers any 1h 30 30 2164
4 156 draisine Diesel 1h 50 50 1410
5 98 rails Rare / Electric 1h 65 65 817

Quest #3: Moscow - Sven[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 441 milk any 1h 30 30 3542
2 234 rail buffers Diesel 1h 50 50 1925
3 441 rails any 1h 30 30 2939
4 234 wool Steam 1h 50 50 1286
5 147 signals Legendary / Electric 1h 65 65 1127

Quest #4: Moscow - Sven[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 294 plastic any 1h 30 30 2279
2 156 rails Steam 1h 50 50 1301
3 294 wool any 1h 30 30 2107
4 156 signals Steam 1h 50 50 1545
5 98 draisine Rare / Diesel 1h 65 65 894

Quest #5: Helsinki - Sven[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 525 milk any 1h 35 35 4289
2 315 signals Diesel 1h 55 55 2636
3 535 draisine any 1h 35 35 3977
4 315 rail buffers Steam 1h 55 55 2695
5 210 dynamite Legendary / Diesel 1h 70 70 1605

Quest #6: Helsinki - Sven[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 350 chairs any 1h 35 35 3317
2 210 rail buffers Diesel 1h 55 55 1907
3 350 barrels any 1h 35 35 3456
4 210 signals Steam 1h 55 55 2134
5 140 draisine Legendary / Diesel 1h 70 70 1695

Quest #7: Stockholm - Sven[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 525 saw blades any 1h 35 35 4012
2 315 rail buffers Diesel 1h 55 55 2344
3 525 rails any 1h 35 35 3591
4 315 flour Diesel 1h 55 55 2491
5 210 dynamite Rare / Diesel 1h 70 70 1619

Quest #8: Stockholm - Sven[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 350 chairs any 1h 35 35 3346
2 210 draisine Steam 1h 55 55 1965
3 350 timber any 1h 35 35 3696
4 210 signals Steam 1h 55 55 2134
5 140 dynamite Legendary / Steam 1h 70 70 1310

Quest #9: Oslo - Sven[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 525 saw blades any 1h 35 35 4046
2 315 signals Steam 1h 55 55 2682
3 525 dynamite any 1h 35 35 4046
4 315 nails Electric 1h 55 55 2491
5 210 signals Rare / Steam 1h 70 70 1788

Quest #10: Oslo - Sven[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 350 sheet steel any 1h 35 35 3696
2 210 rails Steam 1h 55 55 1813
3 350 barrels any 1h 35 35 3516
4 221 rails Electric 1h 55 55 1869

Salome's Quests[]

Quest #1: Madrid - Salome[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 441 glue any 1h 30 30 2965
2 234 dynamite Steam 1h 50 50 1773
3 441 draisine any 1h 30 30 3341
4 234 pallets Diesel 1h 50 50 1633
5 147 signals Rare / Electric 1h 65 65 1231

Quest #2: Madrid - Salome[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 294 iron powder any 1h 30 30 2126
2 156 rails Diesel 1h 50 50 1324
3 294 rail buffers any 1h 30 30 2102
4 156 rails Steam 1h 50 50 1324
5 98 dynamite Legendary / Steam 1h 65 65 910

Quest #3: Rome - Salome[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 441 wool any 1h 30 30 2465
2 234 signals Electric 1h 50 50 1976
3 441 dynamite any 1h 30 30 3370
4 234 saw blades Diesel 1h 50 50 1788
5 147 signals Epic / Electric 1h 65 65 1252

Quest #4: Rome - Salome[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 294 sheet steel any 1h 30 30 3078
2 156 rails Steam 1h 50 50 1335
3 294 wool any 1h 30 30 2163
4 156 rails Electric 1h 50 50 1335
5 98 dynamite Rare / Diesel 1h 65 65 917

Quest #5: Athens - Salome[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 441 glue any 1h 30 30 3042
2 234 dynamite Diesel 1h 50 50 1804
3 441 rail buffers any 1h 30 30 3309
4 234 milk Diesel 1h 50 50 1945
5 147 rail buffers Legendary / Diesel 1h 65 65 1103

Quest #6: Athens - Salome[]

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon railrevkey Icon ep Icon xp
1 294 pallets any 1h 30 30 2575
2 156 draisine Steam 1h 50 50 1473
3 294 saw blades any 1h 30 30 2775
4 156 draisine Steam 1h 50 50 1473
5 98 dynamite Rare / Steam 1h 65 65 2275