The table below is the Bill of Materials produced in TrainStation 2.
It does not contain manufactured materials produced in map factories, which were added as a reward by the game's publisher. The label Time refers to collection time for Raw Materials and fabrication time for items produced in station factories.
The Gem Purchase column is the number of gems charged for each item that you are short when manufacturing another items or exchanging the item in the Union Trade Center. So, for example, you will be charged 1 gem for every 5 units of coal that you are short.
The In-Game Value column refers to the value that the game places on the item. The value is relative to the value of coal (so Cement is worth 0.6 times that of Coal, and Cheese is worth 6.3 times that of Coal). The game uses these values when determining how much of a particular item you need to finish a task, expand a building, or exchanged in the union trade center (though between February and November of 2023, the exchange rate in the union trade center has an additional random factor). It is also used to determine how big the reward for finishing the task will be. These values are very useful when deciding the size of the stockpile to keep in your warehouse. A more complete explanation of In-Game Value can be found on the Item Construction Cost and Value page.
Items in shaded cells are for future expansion as announced by the game's publisher.