Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Icon Event Peru

The Peru Event 2022

The Peru Event 2022 is an event running from 19 July-8 August 2022. The event begins and ends at 12 Noon UTC. Minimum Player Level: 12. In this event, the player helps rivals Tara Loft and Roy von Gerner uncover the secrets of Peru.


  • Compete in the competitions πŸ† to win Peru Coins usable in the Shop.

πŸ…16-18 August.
πŸ…19-22 August.
πŸ…23-25 August.
πŸ…26-29 August.
πŸ…30 August-1 September.
πŸ…2-5 August.

Event Locations

The Map

Peru Event Map

Event: All Quests and Materials Locations

Material Destinations

  • Rubber Plantation (3 minutes to collect Rubber)
  • Mountain Village (3 minutes to collect Wool)

Contract Destinations

  • Caral complex
  • Treasure construction site
  • Bridge construction site
  • Mountain construction site
  • Kuelap ruins
  • Machu Picchu

Event Currencies

Item Type
Icon PeruKey Peru Key
Icon PeruCoin Peru Coin
Icon ep Event Points

Raw Materials

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
Item Name Destination Collection
Icon Rubber Rubber Rubber Plantation 3m
Icon PWool Wool Mountain Village 3m

Factory Materials

Peruvian Factory

Item Name Requirements Time
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Icon Rope 60 Rope 60 Icon PWool - - 5m
Icon Machete 90 Machete 80 Icon PWool 30 Icon Nails - 15m
Icon Backpack 120 Backpack 70 Icon PWool 50 Icon Rubber - 20m
Icon Brush 130 Brush 60 Icon PWool 40 Icon Rubber 50 Icon Wood 25m
Icon Pickaxe 140 Pickaxe 50 Icon Wood 40 Icon Rope 50 Icon Machete 30m


Event Offers

Peru Coin Offers Limit
1000 DEVIL'S NOSE (40/80 L-S) 1
100 Big Box Unlimited
10 Gold Coins (Amount varies by level) 10
Peru Key Offers Limit
4000 FLXDRIVE (40/80 L-E) 1
2500 ELÉCTRICA (30/60 E-E) 1
1200 EMD GP18 (20/40 R-D) 1
500 USATC S160 (15/30 C-S) 1
100 Legendary Upgrade Parts (Amount varies by latest region) 20
100 Epic Upgrade Parts (Amount varies by latest region) 20
50 Rare Upgrade Parts (Amount varies by latest region) 40
50 Common Upgrade Parts (Amount varies by latest region) 40
5 2 Keys -


Redeem Codes

  • Redeem Codes are time-sensitive and expire within days.
Code Reward
PERU22 50 Peru Keys
PEKEYS 75 Peru Keys
PECOIN 10 Peru Coins
BCKPK 120 Backpacks
MCHT 180 Machetes
ROPE 180 Rope
BRUSH 130 Brushes
PCKXE 140 Pickaxes
PCKAXE 140 Brushes
INCKEY 50 Peru Keys
ARCHEKEY 25 Peru Keys
KEYSKEYS 25 Peru Keys

Event Pass

  • Event Pass Rewards must be activated by purchasing Event Pass prior to receiving.
  • Quantities of free rewards doubled (2x) if Event Pass is purchased (Containers not doubled)
  • The amount of Gold Coins and Upgrade Parts awarded is dependent on player level.
Event Points Collected Rewards
Icon eventpass

Event Pass

Start - ALCO RSD-39 (20/40 R-D)
25 Common upgrade parts Big Box
50 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
100 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
150 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
200 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
250 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
300 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
350 Roy von Gerner profile pic 140 keys
400 Gold coins Big Box
450 10 gems 50 gems
500 Basic Container Rare Container
600 Common upgrade parts Big Box
700 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
800 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
900 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
1000 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
1100 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
1200 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
1300 35 keys 140 keys
1400 Gold coins Big Box
1500 10 gems 50 gems
1600 Advanced Container Epic Container
1800 Common upgrade parts Big Box
1950 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
2100 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
2250 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
2400 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
2550 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
2700 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
2850 35 keys 140 keys
3000 Gold coins Big Box
3150 10 gems 50 gems
3300 Advanced Container Epic Container
3500 Common upgrade parts Big Box
3700 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
3900 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
4000 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
4250 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
4500 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
4800 Legendary upgrade parts Legendary upgrade parts
5100 35 keys 140 keys
5400 Gold coins Big Box
5700 10 gems 50 gems
6000 Epic Container Legendary Container


The content of Quests vary by a player's level/region in the game.
What is documented here may vary from your experience.

Quest 1: Roy von Gerner - Treasure Construction Site

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon PeruKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 70 Milk Diesel 1h 20 20 665
2 140 Brushes any 1h 20 20 1,269
3 110 Rope Rare 1h 40 40 1,015
4 90 Plastic Furniture Rare Steam 1h 50 50 755

Quest 2: Tara Loft - Caral Complex

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
  • Becomes a place to do side jobs after quest is complete.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon PeruKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 210 Chairs any 1h 30 30 1,922
2 110 Machetes Rare 1h 45 45 1,077
3 210 Timber any 1h 30 30 2,119
4 140 Brushes Steam 1h 45 45 1,269
5 110 Rope Legendary Steam 1h 60 60 922
6 210 Flour any 1h 30 30 1,940
7 90 Pickaxes Common 1h 45 45 979
8 140 Brushes Steam 1h 45 45 1,269
9 210 Iron Powder any 1h 30 30 1,546
10 110 Brushes Rare 1h 45 45 1,097
11 150 Machetes Steam 1h 45 45 1,298
12 220 Chairs any 1h 30 30 1,979
13 150 Pickaxes Epic 1h 45 45 1,324
14 110 Machetes Epic Steam 1h 60 60 952
15 220 Salt any 1h 30 30 1,866
16 150 Brushes Steam 1h 45 45 1,324
17 150 Backpacks Legendary 1h 45 45 1,427
18 150 Timber Steam 1h 45 45 1,479
19 220 Backpacks any 1h 30 30 2,093
20 150 Pickaxes Epic 1h 45 45 1,336
21 240 Copper any 1h 35 35 2,263
22 170 Backpacks Steam 1h 50 50 1,633
23 110 Pickaxes Rare Steam 1h 70 70 980
24 240 Steel any 1h 35 35 1,762
25 170 Rope Epic 1h 50 50 1,396
26 170 Backpacks Steam 1h 50 50 1,633
27 240 Copper any 1h 35 35 2,263
28 190 Machetes Legendary 1h 50 50 1,485
29 240 Rope any 1h 35 35 1,971
30 110 Milk Legendary Electric 1h 70 70 1,047

Quest 3: Luz - Bridge Construction Site

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon PeruKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 100 Plastics any 1h 15 15 527
2 60 Pickaxes Common 1h 15 15 469
3 190 Backpacks any 1h 15 15 1,366
4 130 Copper Steam 1h 20 20 913
5 100 Backpacks Rare Steam 1h 30 30 719

Quest 4: Roy von Gerner - Mountain Construction Site

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon PeruKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 40 Saw Blades Legendary 1h 15 15 360
2 70 Rope any 1h 15 15 587
3 70 Pickaxes Steam 1h 20 20 635
4 110 Wool any 1h 15 15 810
5 60 Pickaxes Rare Steam 1h 20 20 544

Quest 5: Luz - Kuelap Ruins

  • Unlocked after completing Quest 3.
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
  • Becomes a place to do side jobs after quest is complete.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon PeruKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 280 Glue Rare 1h 65 65 1,794
2 540 Machetes any 1h 45 45 3,421
3 260 Barrels Rare Electric 1h 85 85 1,825
4 350 Rope Steam 1h 65 65 2,058
5 350 Backpacks Legendary 1h 65 65 2,540
6 540 Nails any 1h 45 45 3,639
7 350 Rope Steam 1h 65 65 2,058
8 350 Machetes Epic 1h 65 56 2,238
9 350 Plastic Furniture Steam 1h 65 65 2,058
10 540 Pickaxes any 1h 45 45 3,546
11 260 Brushes Rare Electric 1h 85 85 1,708
12 540 Saw Blades any 1h 45 45 3,579
13 210 Brushes Common 1h 65 65 1,671
14 540 Rope any 1h 45 45 3,204
15 380 Barrels Diesel 1h 70 70 2,717
16 230 Machetes Common 1h 70 70 1,782
17 570 Brushes any 1h 45 45 3,778
18 380 Pallets Steam 1h 70 70 2,321
19 187 Machete any 1h 80 80 2,232
20 260 Rope Rare Steam 1h 95 95 1,557

Quest 6: Roy von Gerner - Machu Picchu

  • Unlocked after completing Quest 1.
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
  • Becomes a place to do side jobs after quest is complete.
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon PeruKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 90 Salt Common 1h 45 45 943
2 140 Plastics Steam 1h 45 45 1,102
3 190 Backpacks any 1h 30 30 1,852
4 90 Brushes Common 1h 45 45 979
5 150 Milk Steam 1h 45 45 1,401
6 200 Pickaxes any 1h 30 30 1,765
7 150 Rope Legendary 1h 45 45 1,221
8 90 Copper Epic Steam 1h 55 55 841
9 200 Backpacks any 1h 30 30 1,903
10 150 Brushes Diesel 1h 45 45 1,324
11 200 Plastics any 1h 30 30 1,524
12 90 Pickaxes Common 1h 45 45 953
13 150 Brushes Steam 1h 45 45 1,324
14 200 Wool any 1h 30 30 1,421
15 90 Backpacks Rare Steam 1h 55 55 865
16 120 Nails any 1h 40 40 1,283
17 150 Iron Powder Steam 1h 45 45 1,076
18 200 Pickaxes any 1h 30 30 1,782
19 150 Machetes Epic 1h 45 45 1,310
20 200 Sheet Steel any 1h 30 30 1,990
21 150 Pickaxes Electric 1h 45 45 1,336
22 220 Rope any 1h 30 30 1,807
23 150 Milk Epic 1h 45 45 1,414
24 110 Backpacks Legendary Steam 1h 60 60 1,066
25 150 Pickaxes Steam 1h 45 45 1,349
26 90 Nails Common 1h 45 45 990
27 180 Rope any 1h 40 40 1,283
28 150 Machetes Electric 1h 45 45 1,322
29 220 Flour any 1h 30 30 2,016
30 110 Machete Epic Diesel 1h 60 60 970

See Also

External links
