Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Trainstation 2: Player's Guide Wiki
Icon Event Peru

Peru Event 2021

The Peru Event 2022 is an event running from 12th January - 1st February, 2021. The event begins and ends at 12 Noon UTC. Minimum Player Level: 12. In this event, the player helps rivals Tara Loft and Roy von Gerner uncover the secrets of Peru.


  • Compete in the competitions πŸ† to win Peru Coins usable in the Shop.

πŸ…12-14 January.
πŸ…15-18 January.
πŸ…19-21 January.
πŸ…22-25 January.
πŸ…26-28 January.
πŸ…29 January-1 February.

Event Locations

The Map

Peru Event Map

Event: All Quests and Materials Locations

  • Rubber Plantation (3 minutes to collect rubber)
  • Mountain Village (3 minutes to collect wool)
  • Bridge Construction site (Luz)
  • Mountain Construction site (Roy von Gerner)
  • Teasure Construction site  (Roy von Gerner)
  • The Lost City of Caral (Tara Loft)
  • Kuelap Ruins (Luz)
  • Machu Picchu (Roy von Gerner)

Event Currencies

Item Type
Icon PeruKey Peru Key
Icon PeruCoin Peru Coin
Icon ep Event Points

Raw Materials

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
Item Name Destination Collection
Icon Rubber Rubber Rubber Plantation 3m
Icon PWool Wool Mountain Village 3m

Factory Materials

Peruvian Factory

Item Name Requirements Time
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Icon Rope 60 Rope 60 Icon PWool - - 5m
Icon Machete 90 Machete 80 Icon PWool 30 Icon Nails - 15m
Icon Backpack 120 Backpack 70 Icon PWool 50 Icon Rubber - 20m
Icon Brush 130 Brush 60 Icon PWool 40 Icon Rubber 50 Icon Wood 25m
Icon Pickaxe 140 Pickaxe 50 Icon Wood 40 Icon Rope 50 Icon Machete 30m


Event Offers

Peru Coin Offers Limit
1000 ALSTHOM EC-386 FEPASA (40/80 L-E) 1
100 Big Box Unlimited
10 Gold Coins (Amount varies by level) 100
Peru Key Offers Limit
4000 GE DASH 9-44CW (40/80 L-D) 1
2500 ANDES CLASS (30/60 E-S) 1
1200 EMD GP18 (20/40 R-D) 1
500 USATC S160 (15/30 C-S) 1
100 5 Legendary Upgrade Parts 20
100 18 Epic Upgrade Parts 20
50 38 Rare Upgrade Parts 40
50 198 Common Upgrade Parts 40
5 2 Keys -


Redeem Codes

  • Redeem Codes are time-sensitive and expire within days.
Code Reward

(varies by player level)

PERU 25 Peru Keys
LLAMA 25 Peru Keys
PICCHU 25 Peru Keys
RUINS 25 Peru Keys
MOUNTAINS 50 Peru Keys

Event Pass

  • Event Pass Rewards must be activated by purchasing Event Pass prior to receiving.
  • Quantities of free rewards doubled (2x) if Event Pass is purchased (Containers not doubled)
Icon ep Collected Rewards
Icon eventpass
Start - EMD GT26CW-2 (20/40 R-D)
25 306 Common upgrade parts Big Box
50 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
100 62 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
150 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
200 18 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
250 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
300 7 Legendary upgrade parts 27 Legendary upgrade parts
350 35 keys Profile Picture
400 375 gold coins Big Box
450 10 gems 50 gems
500 Basic container Rare container
600 306 Common upgrade parts Big Box
700 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
800 62 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
900 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
1000 18 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
1100 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
1200 7 Legendary upgrade parts 27 Legendary upgrade parts
1300 35 keys 140 keys
1400 375 gold coins Big Box
1500 10 gems 50 gems
1600 Advanced container Epic container
1800 306 Common upgrade parts Big Box
1950 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
2100 62 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
2250 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
2400 18 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
2550 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
2700 7 Legendary upgrade parts 27 Legendary upgrade parts
2850 35 keys 140 keys
3000 375 gold coins Big Box
3150 10 gems 50 gems
3300 Advanced container Epic container
3500 306 Common upgrade parts Big Box
3700 16 blue city plans 64 blue city plans
3900 62 Rare upgrade parts Big Box
4000 8 yellow city plans 32 yellow city plans
4250 18 Epic upgrade parts Big Box
4500 4 red city plans 16 red city plans
4800 7 Legendary upgrade parts 27 Legendary upgrade parts
5100 Profile Picture 140 keys
5400 375 gold coins Big Box
5700 10 gems 50 gems
6000 Epic container Legendary container


The content of Quests vary by a player's level/region in the game.
What is documented here may vary from your experience.

Quest 1: Luz - Bridge Construction Site

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon PeruKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 383 sheet steel any 1h 40 40 2003
2 383 rope any 1h 40 40 1575
3 203 pickaxe Diesel 1h 60 60 926
4 383 pallets any 1h 40 40 1618
5 210 brush Legendary 1h 60 60 951

Quest 2: Roy von Gerner - Mountain Construction Site

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon PeruKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 189 milk any 1h 17 17 840
2 189 machete any 1h 17 17 785
3 105 rope Legendary 1h 25 25 401
4 189 barrels any 1h 17 17 870
5 105 machete Steam 1h 25 25 436

Quest 3: Roy von Gerner - Treasure Construction Site

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon PeruKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 252 pallets any 1h 20 20 990
2 252 backpack any 1h 20 20 1188
3 252 machete any 1h 20 20 1047
4 76 timber Common 1h 30 30 451

Quest 4: Tara Loft - The Lost City of Caral

  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon PeruKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 203 pickaxe any 1h 52 52 926
2 383 brush any 1h 35 35 1746
3 203 nails Diesel 1h 52 52 949
4 397 pickaxe any 1h 35 35 1798
5 168 backpack Rare 1h 52 52 921
6 397 sheet steel any 1h 35 35 2068
7 210 rope Steam 1h 52 52 857
8 397 machete any 1h 35 35 1753
9 126 saw blade Common 1h 52 52 685
10 397 backpack any 1h 35 35 2000
11 210 machete Steam 1h 52 52 938
12 397 steel any 1h 35 35 1410
13 126 brush Common 1h 52 52 693
14 397 machete any 1h 35 35 1773
15 210 brush Diesel 1h 52 52 890
16 397 backpack any 1h 35 35 2013
17 168 machete Rare 1h 52 52 835
18 397 barrels any 1h 35 35 1977
19 210 machete Diesel 1h 52 52 949
20 397 backpack any 1h 35 35 2023
21 126 copper Common 1h 52 52 753
22 397 brush any 1h 35 35 1840
23 210 pickaxe Electric 1h 52 52 973
24 257 nails any 1h 35 35 1907
25 168 machete Rare 1h 52 52 845
26 397 brush any 1h 35 35 1860
27 210 copper Diesel 1h 52 52 1058
28 397 rope any 1h 35 35 1674
29 210 brush Legendary 1h 52 52 984
30 133 flour Rare / Electric 1h 69 69 639
Round 2
1 126 pickaxe Common 1h 58 58 152
2 390 brush any 1h 39 39 391

Quest 5: Luz - Kuelap Ruins

  • Unlocks after completing Quest 1.
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon PeruKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 492 brush any 1h 42 42 2229
2 251 machete Diesel 1h 63 63 2173
3 246 milk any 1h 42 42 1198
4 394 brush Rare 1h 63 63 1963
5 246 backpack any 1h 42 42 1226
6 246 milk Diesel 1h 63 63 1198
7 492 pickaxe any 1h 42 42 2254
8 246 rope Legendary 1h 63 63 1015
9 492 pallets any 1h 42 42 2085
10 246 pickaxe Steam 1h 63 63 1127
11 492 backpack any 1h 42 42 2479
12 246 plastic furniture Common 1h 63 63 741
13 492 backpack any 1h 42 42 2507
14 246 pickaxe Electric 1h 63 63 1140
15 492 barrels any 1h 42 42 2450
16 246 pickaxe Epic 1h 63 63 1140
17 492 backpack any 1h 42 42 2507
18 246 flour Electric 1h 63 63 1169
19 492 backpack any 1h 42 42 2507
20 171 brush Legendary/Steam 1h 84 84 802
Round 2
1 461 rope any 1h 47 47 420
2 480 backpack Electric 1h 70 70 524

Quest 6: Roy von Gerner - Machu Picchu

  • Unlocks after completing Quest 3.
  • Trains required: Highest Unlocked Region - 1
# Materials required Trains required Time Reward
Icon PeruKey Icon ep Icon xp
1 420 rope any 1h 32 32 1603
2 210 sheet steel Diesel 1h 48 48 1049
3 420 brush any 1h 32 32 1812
4 210 pickaxe Legendary 1h 48 48 906
5 420 barrel any 1h 32 32 1954
6 210 rope Diesel 1h 48 48 820
7 420 brush any 1h 32 32 1832
8 210 chairs Epic 1h 48 48 940
9 420 rope any 1h 32 32 1640
10 210 brush Diesel 1h 48 48 916
11 420 timber any 1h 32 32 2121
12 126 rope Rare 1h 48 48 598
13 420 brush any 1h 32 32 1834
14 210 copper Electric 1h 48 48 1000
15 420 rope any 1h 32 32 1659
16 168 pickaxe Rare 1h 48 48 816
17 420 copper any 1h 32 32 1999
18 210 rope Electric 1h 48 48 839
19 420 pickaxe any 1h 32 32 1874
20 210 steel Legendary 1h 48 48 716
21 420 rope any 1h 32 32 1678
22 210 machete Steam 1h 48 48 913
23 420 saw blade any 1h 32 32 1895
24 168 machete Rare 1h 48 48 812
25 420 pickaxe any 1h 32 32 1895
26 210 chairs Steam 1h 48 48 973
27 420 pickaxe any 1h 32 32 1895
28 210 rope Epic 1h 48 48 849
29 420 barrels any 1h 32 32 2044
30 147 backpack Epic / Electric 1h 64 64 733

External Links
